
All recipients of Nordplus grants are obligated to report back to Nordplus at the latest 30 days after the contract period expires.

The reports are submitted online through Espresso by using the same login and password that were used for the application.
Note: For applications submitted through the ARS-system in 2012 and earlier, there will not be reporting through ARS. You will receive more information about this from the main administrator of the programme.

The final project report is divided into one financial section and one content section. The financial report must be authorised by the finance unit of the institution/organisation. Receipts should not be included in the report. They must be collected from all partners and kept with the coordinating organisation for at least 5 years after approval of the final report.


It is important that the project partners agree upon responsibilities for the project econmy.

The project partners may choose one of the partner institutions as the project economist, or they may choose to let all partner institutions handle their own part of the project funds. In both cases, the project coordinator will have the main responsibility to keep track of the funds and to ensure an adequate economy report to Nordplus.

Coordinators of Nordplus activities must be aware that national Nordplus offices may carry out inspections, including financial audits. Reasonable notice will be given for any inspections. All supporting documents must be kept for a minimum of five years after the project is completed in the event of an audit.

Activities that can be covered by Nordplus project grants are the following:

  • Travel/lodging for project partners for participation in project meetings and other project activities.
  • Costs for meetings, conferences and other events. 
  • Purchase of services (from own organisation or others): These are services needed for the project or for the dissemination of project results such as translation work, publications, ICT costs, gathering of information and other costs. Such costs must always be a minor part of the total budget.

Nordplus funds cannot be spent for production of services or products meant to be sold for a profit.

Any unused funds must be returned to the programme and the Nordplus administration will send an invoice for the returnable amount. The projects that have received 80% of the funds, will receive the remaining 20% after the final report has been accepted.

Dissemination of results

Dissemination of results is an important part of the project.

A Nordplus project should identify who the relevant recipients of the knowledge and experience gained in the project are. Examples of such recipients could be education institutions, politicians, trade unions, NGOs, public bodies, enterprises, researchers etc.

It is therefore crucial to make a plan for the dissemination and spreading of results at different levels. This plan should consider both short term and long term dissemination and exploitation of results.
There are many ways of disseminating results, such as:

  • Web pages; both the project's web page, the partner institutions' web pages and other organizsations' web pages.
  • Use of social media
  • Getting publicity in relevant media or press
  • Publishing and promoting articles, books and other products from the cooperation
  • Presentations of the results at relevant conferences and meetings
  • Presentations for relevant politicians or stakeholders

A good plan for dissemination makes use of different communication channels, varying with the different target groups identified.

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