
The Nordplus Programme offers financial support between partners in the area of lifelong learning from the eight participating countries and three autonomous regions in the Baltic and Nordic area.

The general objectives for Nordplus 2023–2027:

  • strengthen and develop Nordic and Baltic co-operation on education, including early childhood and care, and help to create a Nordic–Baltic educational area,
  • support, build on, reap the benefits of and promote innovative products and processes in education through the systematic exchange of experiences and good practice,
  • contribute to the development of quality and innovation in the educational systems for lifelong learning in the participating Nordplus countries through co-operation in education and training, as well as co-operation with the labour market on development projects, exchange programmes and networking,
  • enhance mobility for educational purposes and expand digital collaboration in education in the region,
  • enhance opportunities for all, regardless of background and resources, to participate in regional educational collaboration and to gain new knowledge and skills based on collaboration between organisations,
  • promote Nordic languages and culture and mutual Nordic-Baltic linguistic and cultural understanding,
  • improve inter-Nordic language comprehension (primarily between Danish, Swedish and Norwegian), especially among children and young people,
  • stimulate interest in and knowledge and understanding of the languages of the Nordic countries essential to society (Danish, Finnish, Faroese, Greenlandic, Icelandic, Norwegian, Sami and Swedish) and Nordic sign language, and
  • revitalise national minority languages in the Nordic Region for cultural and inclusive purposes.

Nordplus Highlight in 2023 & 2024

The Nordic Council of Ministers has agreed on a new, green, competitive and socially sustainable vision for the Nordic region before 2030. The intention is for the region to become the most sustainable and integrated region in the world. Nordplus supports this vision by setting highlight in line with this vision.

In 2023 and 2024, Nordplus welcomes applications for the programme under the theme “Enhancing Educational Cooperation for a Socially Sustainable Future”. The Nordplus highlight relates to all Nordplus programmes and to all sectors within the field of education and training. The concept of "social sustainability" entails all aspects of the issue from for example health equity and human rights to cultural competence and community resilience. Integrated with this theme is also the Nordic competitiveness based on knowledge, innovation, mobility, and digital integration.

Nordplus Highlight specifies an up-to-date theme, which becomes the focus for a two-year period and relates to all Nordplus sub-programmes.

Nordplus is open for applications with other topics or themes than the current Nordplus Highlight. These applications are assessed on an equal footing with applications within Nordplus Highlight.

Target Groups

Nordplus is aimed at all educational sectors and organisations and institutions involved in learning and education. Only institutions or organisations can apply in Nordplus - you can not apply as an individual.

Only applicants from the Nordic countries - Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, the Baltic countries - Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania - and the autonomous regions of Åland, the Faroe Islands and Greenland, which act as independent countries in Nordplus, are eligible for grants. Institutions placed outside the Nordic and Baltic countries are not eligible for funding from the programme but can participate in Nordplus projects if they cover their own expenses.

You can read more about who is eligible for applying in the sub-programmes:

Nordplus conisists of the following sub-programmes:

The total yearly Nordplus budget is approximately 9.8 million EURO.

Here you can read the Nordplus Programme Document