Call for Applications round 2020

Welcome to the third year of the present five-year programme period Nordplus 2018-2022!

The Nordplus programme of the Nordic Council of Ministers, invites Nordic and Baltic institutions and organisations working with or involved in education and training to apply for funding in the application round of 2020.

If you – or your organisation – are working within the field of education and training, you can now apply for Nordplus funding for transnational student, pupil or teacher mobility, as well as joint project and network activities between educational institutions and organisations in Denmark, Estonia, the Faroe Islands, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden and Åland.

The deadline for applications to the round of 2020 is Monday 3 February and the total amount of available funds in the round is  about 10 million euro.

400.000 euro extra for mobilities

For the 2020 application round, an extra amount of approx. 400.000 euro is allocated for exchange of pupils, teachers and students in the Nordplus Higher, Junior and Adult programme. This is a significant increase of the budget available this year and the chance to obtain a grant for pupil-,student- or teacher exchange from the programme will thus be higher in the round.

New Nordplus Highlight for 2019-2020. For 2019 and 2020, we are introducing a new Nordplus Highlight replacing the previous highlight of 2017-2018. See further below.

The application deadline at the beginning of February has quite firmly established itself. The application date is now Monday, February 3rd.

The main change to Nordplus 2020 is that Further education for academic staff is an eligible activity in the Nordplus Higher Education programme. This change has been introduced to make it possible for academic staff  to benefit from the Highlight "digital competence" which is valid for the 2020 Call.

Read more about the possibilities for funding in The Nordplus handbook.


Nordplus consists of five subprogrammes, which cover the entire educational sector. Each subprogramme embodies the Nordic Council of Ministers’ objectives of increased quality and cooperation within the field of educations in the Nordic Baltic region. You can read more about these objectives in The Nordplus handbook.

Three of the programmes – Nordplus Junior, Nordplus Adult and Nordplus Higher Education – are focused on a sectoral approach, while Nordplus Horizontal and Nordplus Nordic Languages respectively focus on educational cross-domain activities and the co-operation within the Nordic languages across all sectors.

Through all Nordplus programmes, you can apply for funding for projects or networks, while Nordplus Junior, Nordplus Adult and Nordplus Higher Education also give you the opportunity of support and funding for mobility.

The five Nordplus programmes are:

  • Nordplus Junior – funds networks, projects and mobility from preschool up to secondary education.  
  • Nordplus Higher Education – funds networks, projects and mobility for the higher education sector.
  • Nordplus Adult - funds networks, projects and mobility for institutions and organisations working with adult education and learning.
  • Nordplus Horizontal - funds cross-sectoral projects and networks.
  • Nordplus Nordic Languages – funds networks and projects aiming at strengthening the comprehension of the Nordic languages.


In 2020 Nordplus encourages applications on digital competences and omputational thinking preparing pupils, students and adults for a digitalized society. The highlight relates to all Nordplus programmes and all sectors of education and training. Learn more about the Nordplus Highlight 2019-2020 here. 

Applications addressing the highlight on digitalisation will be encouraged.  But initiatives on other themes or issues are also welcome in Nordplus. The bottomline is  that the best projects are always funded irrelevant of the theme or highlight.


For help with your application process please visit Nordplus' step-by-step guide

The deadline for all areas of the Nordplus programmes is Monday 3 February 2020 at 23:59 hours (Central European Time).


The Nordplus handbook is the guide for applicants where you can find specific information for each of the subprogrammes on funding opportunities and requirements: The Nordplus handbook.


You can create and submit your application through Espresso, the online application system of Nordplus: Register and log on to Espresso here


It is a pre-condition, that your application is a joint initiative involving institutions or organisations from several affiliate countries of the Nordplus constellation. If you are looking for a partnering institution for your project, you can register and search in the Nordplus Partner Search Database: Visit the Partner Search Database.


There are Nordplus offices in each of the countries participating in the programme. If you have questions please contact your local Nordplus office to get help with your application – find the contact details for all Nordplus offices here.

During the application period, the Nordplus offices will host national information meetings to guide and help applicants. Please keep an eye out for these at the website of your national Nordplus office – find the links here: Want to attend an information meeting?

You can also follow Nordplus on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Nordplus grants fall under EU's regulations for state aid. Schools under the Danish Schools Association of South Schleswig (Dansk Skoleforening for Sydslesvig) can participate in projects as partners funded by Denmark. Read more about this in The Nordplus handbook.

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