Assessment criteria

All applications to Nordplus will be assessed according to the following criteria:

  • The application must be within the regulations and main objectives of Nordplus
  • The application activities must cover one or more of the objectives in the sub-programme
  • The aims of the project and the approach chosen to achieve them must be clear and realistic
  • The planned activities must be relevant for the project in question and cover the whole project period
  • Applications for project or network activities must include a realistic and well described budget
  • There must be a clear and realistic overall plan for implementing the project
  • The roles and tasks of the project participants must be balanced
  • Measures must be planned to ensure effective communication and cooperation between the participating institutions
  • The expected impact and benefits of the project for the project participants must be clear and well defined
  • There must be a plan for spreading the results from the cooperation, including to whom, why and identifying appropriate channels. There should also be descriptions of ideas/plans for results on a long term basis.

Checklist before submitting your application 

When writing an application for Nordplus it could be useful to go through the following checklist:

  • Have you submitted a Letter of intent (LOI) for each partner? Is the Letter signed by the correct legal responsible person at the institution as well as the project coordinator? Are all LOIs marked with the correct application ID-number?
  • Is your institution a legal applicant to the sub-programme in question?
  • Is there a sufficient number of participating institutions from a sufficient number of different Nordplus countries in the application?
  • Did you include a separate budget (only for projects/networks, not applicable for mobility activities)? Does it clarify what costs the Nordplus grant is meant to cover, and what and how much is self-financed?

What is considered a good application

Generally, a good application should:

  • Describe objectives and expected outcome
  • Describe the activities to be carried out
  • Describe the distribution of tasks and responsibilities between partners
  • Be well argued according to the programme objectives
  • Define the added value of the project for partners and others
  • Have a realistic budget in relation to the funds available
  • Define the targets for disseminating the results
  • Demonstrate integration of the activities in the respective institutions/organisations

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