Funding in Nordplus Higher Education

Funding for mobility

Support for mobility to networks is allocated according to set rates for travel and accommodation/board. The application and reporting system (Espresso) will calculate the grant sum based on the established rates.

The rates for individuals are maximum rates, thus the network can de­cide the level of each scholarship according to the total grant available. It is important that an agreement on the exchange and the scholarship is made before the actual exchange takes place. Transparency and equality should be the guiding principles in setting the levels of scholarships among the partner institutions.

The coordinating institution may use a maximum of 5% of the total used grant for the administration of the mobility. The amount used for admin­istration shall be reported but no supporting documentation is needed in the final report.


To and from Greenland   1.300 €
To and from the Faroe Islands and Iceland660 €
Between Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden and Åland330 €
Domestic, in connection with exchange abroadUp to 175 €

ACCOMMODATION/BOARD RATES:                           

(short and long term mobility)
20 €         70 €  250 €
(express mobility
50 €250 € 1st week, 100 € 2nd week, 100 € 3rd week
Teachers100 €500 €1.350 €

Here are examples on how to calculate the scholarships:

  • 5-week student mobility, the maximum rate is 250 € + 70 € = 320 € + travel grant
  • 1-week (5–7 days) express mobility, the maximum rate is 250 € + travel grant
  • 8-day teacher mobility, the maximum rate is 500 € + 100 € = 600 € + travel grant
  • 1-day teacher mobility, the maximum rate is 100 € + travel grant
  • 5 (working)day teacher mobility, the maximum rate is 500 € + travel grant

Funding for intensive courses, project activities and network meetings

Nordplus grants should be seen as a contribution towards the actual cost of activities in the participating countries. The maximum grant for each project is 100 000 euro. The same project may receive renewal funding in three calls in a row, hence in total 300 000 €. The same course can also be funded three times in a row.

To make the application process easier for the applicant, the budget system uses fixed unit costs that automatically calculates the amount that can be applied. The granted sum, however, is allocated as a lump sum that shall be used based on real costs and may freely be used for travels, subsistence, organisation and in projects for development work. If major changes in the project plans occur and the need for the use of the grant changes, the network coordinator shall contact the main administrator (Finnish National Agency for Education, EDUFI).

Budget models to be used

When applying for a project activity and/or network meetings, the appli­cant must use budget models that are provided in the application form in Espresso and at There are two types: one for Intensive courses and another for Development projects, Joint study programmes and Network meetings.

The forms calculate automatically the requested amounts based on the inserted data. The applicant should then insert these calculated amounts in the budget fields in the online Espres­so application. It is necessary to match the amounts in the application with the amounts in the attached budget forms. Project activities and network meetings without attached budget models will be rejected.

Ineligible costs

  • Overheads, i.e. general unspecified costs not directly connected to the Nordplus project activities
  • Purchase of office equipment (such as IT equipment)
  • Costs for participants from non-Nordic and non-Baltic organisations
  • Costs for activities outside the Nordic and Baltic countries

Participants with inclusion needs

Expenses for participants with inclusion needs can be approved with up to 100 % of real costs if these are not covered with other sources. If need for additional help and support for participants arises during the project, the coordinator may apply for further funds, also after the ordinary application deadline. The application should be addressed directly to EDUFI in Finland. Additional funds may be provided to cover the expenses for accompanying person, interpreters or similar. Please contact EDUFI in good time before the planned exchange.

Contract period

Grants for mobility, network and project activities are allocated for a fixed contract period that starts on 1 May and ends on 1 October the following year. The final report must be submitted within 30 days after the contract period is terminated.

Payments, audits and reporting

Applicants may receive full funding (the sum applied for), partial funding (only some of the activities applied for are funded, or the budget has been reduced due to ineligible costs or inaccurate calculations), or the entire application may be rejected. All applicants receive information on the decision. If funding has been granted for part of the application only, the applicant will receive information about this and the reasons for the reduction upon request from EDUFI.

When the contract has been signed and submitted to EDUFI, grants are paid in full to the coordinator, who is then responsible for the funds for the whole duration of the contract period. The network/project partnership decides how the funds are to be allocated between the participating institutions.

The funds granted should be accounted for in accordance with national/ internal requirements and rules as a separate project in the accounts of the coordinating institution so that all payments are visible in the event of an audit. All documents are to be retained by the coordinator in at least five years after the end of the contract period.

When reporting the grants, no additional financial documentation is needed.

Irregular use of funds

If the funds are not used as implied in the contract, and/or reports are not submitted as agreed upon in the contract, EDUFI requires reimbursement of the grant.

Budget models

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