Target Groups for Nordplus Junior

All Nordic and Baltic countries are eligible to apply. In order to receive a Nordplus Junior grant all activities must take place in one or more of the eight participating countries or in the autonomous regions of Åland, the Faroe Islands and Greenland.

The target groups of Nordplus Junior are pupils, teachers and other pedagogical staff in:

  • Kindergarten/preschools (for children from 1 years and older)
  • Primary schools 
  • Lower and upper secondary schools (general and vocational) 
  • Vocational schools/apprentice programmes 
  • Local Education Departments if the project is aimed for teachers and pupils of a certain school/schools within formal education as stated above
  • Culture schools
  • Organisations and institutions working with or having strong interests in the area of school education, e.g. Departments for Education. However, these may only participate as partners.

Coordinator or partner

All projects must appoint a coordinating institution which will be responsible for the application and the granted funds for the duration of the project period.

Schools and Culture schools within the formal education systems and kindergartens/preschools, public or private, can act as coordinators. Each national office decides if a culture school is eligible as coordinator.

Other types of organisations may participate as partners in the activities development projects and preparatory visits. However, partners in mobility projects (teacher and class exchanges) must be preschools, schools or culture schools. Please contact your national programme office for more information.

All projects must be based on mutual agreements between the participating organisations, both coordinators and partners. In order for the application to be eligible, these agreements (Letters of Intent), must be duly signed and attached to the application prior to the deadline.

A coordinator may submit more than one application in the same application round – it is the project’s quality which determines whether funds will be granted.

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