Nordplus seminar a big success!

Nordplus, in cooperation with the Nordic project, "Education for sustainable development" organized a hybrid seminar under the heading "Nordplus for a greener future- transformative education for a world in need of change" on 28 May 2024.

More than 230 participants from all the Nordic and Baltic countries attended the seminar which was aired from the Nordplus office in Sweden and hosted by the Swedish Council of Higher Education in Stockholm.

More than 80% of the attendees were either satisfied or very satified with the event. "We are very happy with the conference and especially with the rating the participants gave us on the evaluation sheet," said Andrés Pétursson, Nordplus main coordinator.

The seminar was aimed at all educational sectors and organisations and institutions, interested in green and sustainable cooperation and projects. Nordplus especially welcomed to the event teachers and those who work with pupils and students focusing on green subjects and sustainability.

The seminar started with a digtal welcome speech by Karen Ellemann, Secretaty General of the Nordic Council of Ministers. Dr. Ólafur Páll Jónsson, from the School of Education at the University of Iceland, gave the key-note speech from the studio in Stockholm where he stressed the importance of change of mindset towards sustainability. He was then followed by four Nordplus good-practice examples presented by Åsmund Aamaas from the University of South-Eastern Norway, Sandra Venckuviené from Kauraliaus Vocational Training Centre in Lithuania, John Frølich from the Nordic Journalist Centre in Denmark and Marianna Helene Rasmussen from project Barba in Norway/Iceland. For further information on these projects and their presentations please consult here.

Lars Demant-Poort from Greenland, Emilia Nygård from Finland and Dr. Ólafur Páll Jónsson then concluded the seminar by participating in a panel debate led by Andrés Pétursson, Nordplus main coordinator. The panel debate was recorded and will be published soon on

Amela Fific from Sweden did an outstanding job of chairing the seminar and was highly commended for her contribution.