Results of the Nordplus 2016 application round

In the Nordplus application round of March 2016 more projects across the Nordic and Baltic regions than previous years applied for funds. The programme received 654 applications applying for a total grant of 29,7 million Euro, which is 2.9 times more than available from the overall budget of 10,1 million Euro. 395 applications or 60 percent of the applications have been granted funding.

In the Nordplus application round of March 2016 more projects across the Nordic and Baltic regions than previous years applied for funds. The programme received 654 applications applying for a total grant of 29,7 million Euro, which is 2.9 times more than available from the overall budget of 10,1 million Euro. 395 applications or 60 percent of the applications have been granted funding.

The organisations and educational institutions have been granted funding to strengthen networking, project collaboration, as well as student and teacher mobility in the Nordic and Baltic regions.

The overall number of applications has increased with eight percent compared to the application round of 2015. The numbers reflect differences between the individual sub-programmes, where some have gone up and some down. Below you can see the number of applications and amounts for each sub-programme in the 2016 application round:

Increased competition due to a higher number of applications

For the entire Nordplus programme the overall success rate is 60 percent on number of applications and 34 percent on grants. This points to an increased competition in 2016 due to a steady budget and a higher amount of applications compared with previous years. This year 60 percent of the applications were successful, which is slightly lower than last year, where 68 percent of the applications met funding. When you look at the success rate on grants the picture is the same with 34 percent this year compared to 38 percent last year. Below you can see the success rates on applications and on grants for all sub-programmes:


50 to 60 percent of the actors involved this year with Nordplus Junior, Nordplus Adult, Nordplus Nordic Language and Nordplus Horizontal are newcomers, which is largely on the same level as previous years. Newcomers are all schools, educational institutions, organisations and other actors that haven’t participated in an application to the Nordplus programme during the past 3 years – 2013-2015. In Nordplus Higher Education applications are submitted by permanent networks of institutions providing a steady framework for new exchanges and project initiatives – and because of this the level of newcomers is somewhat lower in this sub-programme.

Country participation

This year a total of 2.871 organisations are involved in Nordplus education projects. All countries are represented in all of the programmes and the representation of the countries reflects the relative size of the country’s population. The results for country participation can be seen below:

For more information on the individual applications, visit the Nordplus Project Database:


The Nordplus Programme offers financial support to a variety of educational cooperations between partners in the area of lifelong learning between the eight participating countries and three autonomous regions in the Baltic and Nordic region.

  • The program supports networking, project collaboration and student/teacher mobility between the Baltic and Nordic countries
  • Overall programme budget for 2016 is € 10,1 million
  • Participating countries: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden, Greenland, Faroe Islands, Aaland Islands  
  • The next deadline for submitting proposals to the Nordplus programmes is in the spring 2017.