The Evaluation of Nordplus 2012-2016 has been published
Nordplus is a successful programme offering financial support to lifelong learning, says the evaluation company Technopolis Group. Therefore the programme should be given political support to continue with a new programme period. The Nordplus programme has been evaluated and the results have now been published in the report ‘Evaluation of Nordplus 2012-2016’.
Nordplus is a successful programme offering financial support to lifelong learning, says the evaluation company Technopolis Group. Therefore the programme should be given political support to continue with a new programme period. The Nordplus programme has been evaluated and the results have now been published in the report ‘Evaluation of Nordplus 2012-2016’.
The evaluation report serves as a tool to evaluate the current programme period, 2012-2016, and look forward to the next with suggestions for already established best practices and points for improvement. It provides a basis for continuing and modifying Nordplus after 2016.
The general recommendation of the evaluation is that Nordplus is a successful programme offering financial support to lifelong learning within all educational sectors which meets significant educational needs, offering opportunities for learning and sharing of experiences, troughout the Nordic and Baltic countries and should therefore be given political support to continue with a new programme period.
The Nordplus Nordic Language sub-programme has undergone changes and attempts to meet challenges have been made. The actions taken so far have been steps in the right direction, but the programme needs to continue working on staying relevant and accessible to potential users.
The current model with a joint programme committee, with two representatives from each Nordplus country, dealing with all sub-programmes is working well and has led to a more holistic programme management.
Nordplus is often marketed as a supplement to Erasmus+, but since the programme has its own unique features and support possibilities it should be marketed better in its own right.
You can find the evaluation in its entirety here: Evaluation of Nordplus 2012-2016
It is expected that a new programme period from 2017 and five years onwards will be decided upon by the Nordic Council of Ministers for Education and Research and at the Plenary Assembly later this year.
Facts about the evaluation
The evaluation of Nordplus in the period 2012 through 2016 has been done by the Swedish-Baltic company Technopolis Group. The collecting of data and conducting of interviews and focus groups has been made in the period January 2014 through August 2015. After this the results have been analysed and gathered for the Evaluation Report.