Call for Applications round 1 February 2022
Welcome to the 5th and last year of the present programme period Nordplus 2018-2022!
The Nordplus programme of the Nordic Council of Ministers invites Nordic and Baltic institutions and organisations working with or involved in education and training to apply for funding in the application round of 2022.
Nordplus project turned upper secondary students into climate activists
Young people’s engagement in climate issues is increasing, something YBC upper secondary school has taken note of. YBC has, together with a Swedish and a Danish school, started a three-year project to create a better future.
Application for Nordplus 2021 preparatory visits is open
1st October 2021 is the application deadline for preparatory visits within the Nordplus Junior, Nordplus Adult and Nordplus Nordic Languages programmes.
The main goal of a preparatory visit is to make concrete plans for a project in order to submit a full application before the programme’s next deadline of 1st February 2022. Institutions and organizations can apply for grants for preparatory visits within Nordplus Junior, Nordplus Adult and Nordplus Nordic Languages.
The Students Practise on Companies, Volcanoes, and Bicycles
An Icelandic and a Danish gymnasium have class exchanges as a fixed part of their teaching. It provides theoretical qualities, new cultural insights, and an opportunity to examine the role of the North in innovative solutions in the field of renewable energy