
Building with straws and clay is back for good

In Nordic and Baltic countries constructing with natural material is getting more fashionable but there is a notable lack of skills. Through the Nordplus Adult-project “Experiences of Sustainable Building“, Säästvad Ehituslahendused LLC from Estonia is carrying out joint development work within adult learning in the field of natural building.

Teaching creativity and thinking

The Nordplus project – ”Creativity and thinking skills within a training process” aims at giving teachers the right tools to help students develop their creativity and thinking skills.

Thinking Approach in Danish Language Teaching

Education in modern society should not only provide learners with solid knowledge of the subject, but also develop their abilities to think and to find innovative solutions to complex problems. However, teachers often don’t know how to organise their teaching in a way that promotes the learners’ creativity and makes them better thinkers. The Thinking Approach (TA) to language teaching offers tools for integrated development of both language and thinking skills for learners.

Developing environmentally conscious offshore training in the North Atlantic

Stavanger Offshore Technical College (SOTS) is leading a project supported by Nordplus Horizontal which aims at developing the education and training in oil and gas in cooperation with local authorities and the industries.

Get a new streamline

Far too many mentally disabled youngsters do not receive sexual education neither at school nor at social care institutions, especially behind the old iron curtain. The project “Get a new streamline” seeks to change this.

Nordplus project with an impact at government level

Why is it women with a low level of education and foreign backgrounds who find it most difficult to enter the labour market? Yevgeniya Averhed, project manager at Folkuniversitetet in Uppsala, wanted to investigate this question. To find the answer she founded a project through the Nordplus Adult programme, in which she – together with colleagues from around the Nordic region and Lithuania – carried out a study.

Learning with companies

The project “Learning with companies” aims to improve cooperation between educational institutions and companies in the Nordic-Baltic area.


What is the best way to combine family and career, and still have enough time and energy for personal development, family and personal growth? The Nordplus project “Parent-to-parent” seeks to find the answer to this question.

Still active

Through intercultural learning activities, senior citizens in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland and Sweden was encouraged to interact with others by sharing cultural heritage and life experiences – both on a virtual platform and during face-to-face meetings.

Post-modern relationships between dance and music

The Nordplus Higher Education network Explorations and Collaboration in the Arts (ECA) gathered over 70 university dance, music and film students from the Baltic and Nordic countries in Copenhagen to explore the idea of collaboration in dance and music. The results of the workshop are now available as a short documentary film – shot by students participating in the project.